November Production

“Sleeping Beauty” by Jake Cooper

21st -23rd November, W-O-T Methodist Church Hall

We are pleased to announce our next production. Casting will begin in early September with rehearsals starting in October. As this is an in-house production, we welcome any would be actors to come and join us – parts can be written in. Please don’t be shy, contact us to show your talents!

Spring Production

It is with great sadness that we have to report the death of Jan Serjeant. A week before the production she had a bad fall at home and was taken into Southmead intensive care. Unfortunately after 1 week they decided that the bleed on her brain meant she would not recover. She died without regaining consciousness. This has been a great shock to all Charade members. Jan was a much loved, core member of the group, our secretary and involved in some way with every production. If not on stage then sorting refreshments and Front of House. Our thoughts are with husband Pete and all the family, coming to terms with such a sudden loss.

The production did go ahead with Ralf Togneri standing in for Pete Serjeant. It was well received with full houses on 2 nights. Hopefully those of you who came enjoyed it. Pictures to follow

November Production : “Aladdin”

Well this was our best production yet, with sell out audiences every night. We were very pleased to have new members join Charade. Our thanks go to those who played Widow Twanky, Wishee Washee, Princess Jasmine and So-Shi without whom we would not have been able to cast this pantomime. Well done to all involved, it was worth the hard work. We hope you enjoyed it, there are some photos under Past Productions as a reminder. Hope to see you in the spring

Spring Production

“That’s the Spirit” went well, the cast enjoyed this ghost story which descended into farce at times. Those who came we hope you enjoyed it too. Some photos ca be found in past productions. We hope to see you all in November

Spring Production

Charade are pleased to announce their next prodution

“That’s the Spirit ” by Eileen Clark

Dates of production will be Thursday 16th March to Saturday 18th March

at Westbury – on – Trym Methodist Church 7.30pm

Please put the dates in your diary and contact us by email or phone to book your tickets